Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011


Indonesian Language

Anjing Pomerania adalah salah satu ras anjing spitz (berbulu tebal dan panjang, daun telinga agak kecil dan tegak) yang berasal dari Jerman. Nama pomeranian diambil dari sebuah provinsi tua di Jerman yang bernama Pomerania. Pada pertengahan tahun 1800-an, ras anjing ini dibawa ke Inggris dan pada akhir tahun 1800-an mulai dikenal di daerah Amerika Serikat. Ras anjing ini dikenal cukup sukses di dalam beberapa aktivitas yang melibatkan anjing, contohnya kompetisi kepatuhan dan terapi menggunakan anjing.

Nenek moyang dari Pomeranian adalah anjing penggembala domba di Eropa yang bertubuh lebih besar. Tokoh-tokoh penting dalam sejarah Eropa yang pernah memelihara Pomeranian adalah Michelangelo, Isaac Newton, Mozart. Orang pertama yang membawa anjing ini ke Inggris adalah Charlotte, istri Pangeran George III, pada tahun 1761. Cucu dari pasanganan ini adalah Ratu Victoria mengembangkan 15 ras anjing berbeda pada masa hidupnya. Ratu Victoria membeli seekor pomeranian hitam-merah berukuran mini pertama pada tahun 1888 di Italia dan kemudian membawanya ke Inggris. Anjing tersebut diberi nama Marco dan diperkirakan merupakan awal dari berkembangan pomeranian berukuran mini. Marco juga berhasil memenangkan benyak penghargaan dan ikut dalam pertunjukkan anjing bersama pemiliknya. Selain Marco, Victoria juga memiliki tiga anjing pomeranian lain yang diberlinya di Florence pada tahun 1888. 

Pomeranian yang ada saat ini merupakan anjing yang berukuran sangat kecil, berat ±1,5-3,5 kg dan tinggi 20-28 cm. Kepalanya bulat, tengkorak pendek, mata gelap, dan ekor berbulu lebat. Anjing ini memiliki dua lapis bulu, yaitu bagian dalam yang lembut dan padat, serta bulu lapisan luar yang panjang dan lurus. Bulu pada lapisan luarnya cenderung lebih mengembang ke arah luar tubuh dibandingkan melekat pada tubuhnya. Warna anjing ini dapat berupa coklat, jingga, krem, hitam, merah, ataupun campuran beberapa warna.
Pomeranian memiliki sifat yang lincah, berani, protektif, loyal kepada pemiliknya, dan dapat menggonggong dengan tidak terkendali. Anjing ini memang merupakan salah satu jenis yang riuh atau bising, terlebih bila mencurigai sesuatu. Salah satu kelebihan dari anjing ini adalah kemampuannya menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan, baik secara mental maupun fisik.

Informasi kesehatan
Walaupun bertubuh kecil, namun tetap diperlukan latihan atau olahraga setiap harinya. Masalah kesehatan yang rentan diderita pomeranian adalah sakit pada lutut, hipoglikemia, sakit mata, dan sakit pada trakea. Umumnya, masa hidup anjing ini berkisar antara 14 sampai 16 tahun. 

English Language

The Pomeranian (often known as a Pom, or more humorously, Pom Pom) is a breed of dog of the Spitz type, named for the Pomerania region in Central Europe (today part of eastern Germany and northern Poland). Classed as a toy dog breed because of its small size, the Pomeranian is descended from the larger Spitz type dogs, specifically the German Spitz. It has been determined by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale to be part of the German Spitz breed, and in many countries, they are known as the Zwergspitz (~Dwarf Spitz).
The breed has been made popular by a number of royal owners since the 17th century. Queen Victoria owned a particularly small Pomeranian and consequently the smaller variety became universally popular. During Queen Victoria's lifetime alone, the size of the breed decreased by 50%. Overall, the Pomeranian is a sturdy, healthy dog. The most common health issue is Luxating patella. Tracheal collapse can also be an issue. More rarely, the breed can suffer from a skin condition colloquially known as "black skin disease", or alopecia ex. This is a genetic disease which causes the dog's skin to turn black and lose all or most of its hair. The breed is currently among the top 15 most popular in the USA, and the current fashion for small dogs has increased their popularity worldwide.

Pomeranians are small dogs weighing 1.9–3.5 kilograms (4.2–7.7 lb) and standing 5.0–11 inches (13–28 cm) high at the withers. They are compact but sturdy dogs with an abundant textured coat with a highly plumed tail set high and flat. The top coat forms a ruff of hair on the neck and back, and they also have a fringe of feathery hair on the hindquarters.
 The earliest examples of the breed were white or occasionally black, Queen Victoria adopted a small red Pomeranian in 1888, which caused that color to become fashionable by the end of the 19th century. In modern times, the Pomeranian comes in the widest variety of colors of any dog breed, including white, black, brown, red, orange, cream, blue, sable, black and tan, brown and tan, spotted, brindle, plus combinations of those colors. The most common colors are orange, black or cream/white.
The merle Pomeranian is a recent color developed by breeders. It is a combination of a solid base color with lighter blue/grey patch which gives a mottled effect. The most common base colors for the effect are red/brown or black, although it can also appear with other colors. Combinations such as brindle merle or liver merle are not accepted in the breed standard. In addition, the eye, nose and paw pad colors are different in merles, changing parts of the eye to blue and the color on the nose and paw pads to become mottled pink and black.
Pomeranians have a thick double coat, and while grooming is not difficult, breeders recommend that it is done daily because of the thickness of the coat and the constant shedding. The outer coat is long, straight, and harsh in texture while the undercoat is soft, thick and short. The coat knots and tangles easily, particularly when the undercoat is being shed, which happens twice a year.

Pomeranians are typically a very friendly and lively breed of dog. They love to be around their owners and are known to be protective of them. They bond quickly with their owners, and can suffer from separation anxiety if not trained to spend time alone. Pomeranians are alert and aware of changes in their environment and barking at new stimuli can develop into a habit of barking excessively in any situation. They are somewhat defensive of their territory and will thus bark when they encounter any outside noises. Pomeranians are intelligent dogs, respond well to training, and can be very successful in getting what they want from their owners.

Shih Tzu

Indonesian Language

Shih-Tzu adalah salah satu ras anjing tertua yang berasal dari Cina. Anjing ras ini memiliki bulu yang panjang dengan berbagai warna dan pola pada bulunya. Bulunya yang panjang dapat menutupi telinga, badannya yang kokoh, moncong pendek, dan kaki pendek. Umumnya, anjing ini memiliki sifat lincah, sangat waspada, pintar, dan memiliki emosi yang baik namun juga angkuh. Dulunya anjing ini dipelihara oleh keluarga kerajaan di Dinasti Manchu, Cina. Ketika anjing ini menyebar ke wilayah Eropa, banyak bangsawan yang memeliharanya sebagai hewan peliharaan. Shih-Tzu merupakan anjing pendamping, teman manusia yang tergolong ke dalam hewan yang senang bersosialisasi. 

Shih-Tzu adalah salah satu dari beberapa tipe anjing singa yang nenek moyangnya dikembangkan di Cina pada tahun 1000. Nenek moyang dari Shih-Tzu modern diperkirakan dibawa ke Cina dari Tibet atau Asia tengah. Anjing ini memiliki tempat terhormat di pengadilan kerajaan Cina pada dinasti Manchuria. Setelah kejatuhan dinasti tersebut pada tahun 1911, Shih-Tzu terus diperlihara di luar istana kerjaan oleh masyarakat Cina dan pendatang asing. Shih-Tzu pertama dibawa dari Cina ke daerah Barat pada akhir tahun 1920-an dan awal 1930-an. Ras anjing ini diyakini menghilang dari Cina setelah komunisme berkuasa karena dianggap sebagai lambang kekayaan, keistimewaan, dan menguras sumber daya yang mahal. Semua Shih-Tzu yang ada saat ini merupakan turunan dari anjing ke-13 yang diimpor ke Inggris, Irlandia, Norwegia, dan Swedia dari Cina. Di tahun 1952, Elfreda Evans menyilangkan Shih-Tzu tersebut dengan ras murni Pekines putih-hitam di Inggris.

Anjing ini memiliki tinggi badan sekitar 28cm, dengan berat 4-7kg. Bulu anjing ini terdapat dalam berbagai macam warna dan pola, namun putih dan emas menjadi warna yang paling sering ditemukan. Bulu pada tubuhnya tampak padat dan mewah serta lurus atau sedikit bergelombang. Pada Shih-Tzu wanita, ada waktu tertentu dimana bulunya menjadi tipis karena perubahan hormon, biasanya terjadi pada masa sebelum mensturasi. Hidung anjing ini lebar dengan lubang hidung yang terbuka. Shih-Tzu dewasa dapat beradaptasi dengan mudah kepada pemilik dan lingkungan yang baru. Anjing ini belum menunjukkan kedesawaan dan sifat fisiknya yang pasti sebelum usia tiga tahun.

English Language

The Shih Tzu; Mandarin is a breed of dog weighing 4–7.25 kilograms (8.8–16.0 lb) with long silky hair. The breed originated in China and is among the earliest breeds. Shih Tzu were officially recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1969. The name is both singular and plural.

A small dog with a short muzzle and large deep dark eyes, with a soft long, double coat, the Shih Tzu stands no more than 26.7 cm (1012 in.) at the withers and with an ideal weight of 4.5 to 7.3 kg (10 to 16 lbs). Drop ears are covered with long fur, and the heavily furred tail is carried curled over the back. The coat may be of any color, although a blaze of white on the forehead and tail-tip is frequently seen. The Shih Tzu is slightly longer than tall, and dogs ideally should carry themselves "with distinctly arrogant carriage." A very noticeable feature is the underbite, which is required in the breed standard. The traditional long silky glossy coat that reaches the floor requires daily brushing to avoid tangles. Because of their long coat and fast growing hair, regular grooming is necessary which may be a costly expense and should be considered when looking at this breed. Often the coat is clipped short to simplify care, in a "puppy clip". For conformation showing, the coat must be left in its natural state, although trimming for neatness around the feet and anus is allowed.

DNA analysis placed the ancestors of today's Shih Tzu breed in the group of "ancient" breeds indicating "close genetic relationship to wolves". Ludvic von Schulmuth studied the skeletal remains of dogs found in human settlements as long as ten thousand years ago. Von Schulmuth created a genealogical tree of Tibetan dogs that shows the "Gobi Desert Kitchen Midden Dog", a scavenger, evolved into the "Small Soft-Coated Drop-Eared Hunting Dog who would fight lions in packs " which evolved into the Tibetan Spaniel, Pekingese, and Japanese Chin. Another branch coming down from the "Kitchen Midden Dog" gave rise to the Papillon and Long-haired Chihuahua and yet another "Kitchen Midden Dog" branch to the Pug and Shih Tzu. The Shih Tzu was almost completely wiped out during the Chinese Revolution. Seven males and seven females were saved, and today, all shih tzus can be traced back to one of these dogs.
There are various theories of the origins of today's breed. Theories relate that it stemmed from a cross between Pekingese and a Tibetan dog called the Lhasa Apso; that the Chinese court received a pair as a gift during the Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD); and that they were introduced from Tibet to China in the mid-18th century (Qing Dynasty. Dogs during that time were selectively bred and seen in Chinese paintings. The first dogs of the breed were imported into Europe (England and Norway) in 1930, and were classified by the Kennel Club as "Apsos". The first European standard for the breed was written in England in 1935 by the Shih Tzu Club, and the dogs were recategorised as Shih Tzu. The breed spread throughout Europe, and was brought to the United States after World War II, when returning members of the US military brought back dogs from Europe. The Shih Tzu was recognised by the American Kennel Club in 1969 in the Toy Group. The breed is now recognised by all of the major kennel clubs in the English-speaking world, It is also recognised by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale for international competition in Companion and Toy Dog Group.

Names and etymology
Shih Tzu (literally "Lion Dog"), is the Chinese name rendered according to the Wade-Giles system of romanization in use when the breed was first introduced in America; the Chinese pronunciation is approximately shirr-tsə. The name translates as Lion Dog, so named because the dog was bred to resemble "the lion as depicted in traditional oriental art," such as the Chinese guardian lions. The Shih Tzu is also often known as the "Xi Shi quan", based on the name of Xi Shi, regarded as one of the most beautiful woman of ancient China, and, less often, the Chrysanthemum Dog, a nickname coined in England in the 1930s. The dog may also be called the Tibetan Lion Dog, but whether or not the breed should be referred to as a Tibetan or Chinese breed is a source of argument, the absolute answer to which "may never be known".

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011


   Golden Retriever adalah berukuran sedang berkembang biak di anjing . Mereka historis dikembangkan sebagai gundogs untuk mengambil ditembak unggas air seperti bebek dan permainan dataran tinggi burung selama pihak berburu dan menembak. Dengan demikian, mereka dibiakkan untuk memiliki mulut yang lembut untuk mengambil permainan rusak dan memiliki cinta naluriah air. Golden Retriever memiliki mantel dalam padat yang menyediakan dengan kehangatan yang memadai. Mantel luar yang ramping dan anti air, dan terletak datar terhadap tubuh. Warna resmi berkembang biak adalah beragam nuansa emas yang paling sering terlihat.  
   Kecerdasan dan fleksibilitas sesuai dengan berkembang biak anjing baik untuk berbagai peran termasuk anjing penuntun untuk orang buta, mendengar anjing untuk orang tuli, anjing pemburu , obat terlarang detektor, dan pencarian dan penyelamatan peserta. Karena temperamen mereka yang setia dan lembut, golden retriever juga hewan peliharaan keluarga yang populer.
Golden Retriever memiliki ramah, bersemangat-untuk-menyenangkan sikap, dan keempat paling populer keluarga ras anjing (dengan pendaftaran) di Amerika Serikat,  kelima yang paling populer di Australia, dan yang kedelapan yang paling populer di Britania Raya.  

   Golden Retriever dibiakkan untuk mengambil
Golden Retriever pertama kali dikembangkan di Skotlandia di "Guisachan" di dekat Glen Affric , real dataran tinggi Sir Dudley Marjoribanks kemudian Baron Tweedmouth . Selama bertahun-tahun, ada kontroversi yang melahirkan awalnya disilangkan. Pada tahun 1952, publikasi catatan pemuliaan Marjoribanks '1835-1890 menghilangkan mitos tentang pembelian rombongan seluruh Rusia sheepdogs dari mengunjungi sirkus .
Perbaikan senjata selama tahun 1800 mengakibatkan lebih unggas yang jatuh selama berburu pada jarak yang lebih besar dan di medan semakin sulit. Hal ini menyebabkan banyak burung yang hilang di lapangan. Karena perbaikan dalam senjata api , kebutuhan untuk retriever spesialis muncul sebagai keturunan pelatihan penyetel dan pointer di pengambilan ditemukan tidak efektif. Jadi pekerjaan dimulai pada peternakan anjing untuk mengisi peran ini sangat dibutuhkan.  
   Salib asli dari Retriever berwarna kuning, Nous, dengan Air Tweed Spaniel anjing betina, Belle.  Air Tweed Spaniel adalah sekarang sudah punah tetapi kemudian umum di negara perbatasan. Marjoribanks telah membeli Nous pada tahun 1865 dari serasah tidak terdaftar dinyatakan hitam bergelombang berlapis retriever anjing. Pada tahun 1868, salib ini menghasilkan sampah yang termasuk empat anjing; keempat menjadi dasar dari suatu program pemuliaan yang termasuk Irlandia Setter , berpasir berwarna Bloodhound , yang St Yohanes Air Anjing Newfoundland, dan dua lagi berombak-dilapisi Retriever hitam. Garis keturunan juga inbrida dan dipilih untuk trueness ide Marjoribanks 'dari akhir anjing pemburu . Visinya meliputi anjing lebih gigih dan kuat daripada retriever sebelumnya, salah satu yang masih akan lembut dan dilatih. Sheepdogs Rusia yang tidak disebutkan dalam catatan, tidak pula lainnya bekerja anjing trah. Keturunan dari Golden Retriever adalah semua anjing olahraga , sejalan dengan tujuan Marjoribanks '.
   Golden Retriever pertama kali diterima untuk pendaftaran oleh The Kennel Club Inggris pada tahun 1903, sebagai Coats Flat - Emas. Mereka pertama kali dipamerkan pada tahun 1908, dan pada tahun 1911 diakui sebagai berkembang biak digambarkan sebagai Retriever (Golden dan Kuning). Pada tahun 1913, Golden Retriever Club didirikan. Nama berkembang biak itu resmi berubah menjadi Golden Retriever pada tahun 1920
Para Archie Mulia Marjoribanks mengambil Golden Retriever ke Kanada pada 1881, dan Lady terdaftar dengan American Kennel Club (AKC) pada tahun 1894. Ini adalah catatan pertama dari berkembang biak di kedua negara. Berkembang biak pertama kali terdaftar di Kanada pada tahun 1927, dan Club Golden Retriever Ontario , sekarang Club Golden Retriever Kanada, dibentuk pada tahun 1958. Para pendiri GRCC itu Cliff Drysdale, seorang Inggris yang telah membawa lebih dari satu Emas Inggris dan Jutta Baker, menantu perempuan Louis Baker yang dimiliki Northland Kennels, mungkin kennel pertama Kanada yang didedikasikan untuk Golden Retriever. AKC mengakui berkembang biak di 1925, dan pada tahun 1938 Club Golden Retriever Amerika dibentuk.
   Ada juga organisasi lain selain klub yang didedikasikan untuk golden retriever, seperti situs adopsi berkembang biak tertentu.
Pada Juli 2006, Club Golden Retriever dari Skotlandia mengadakan pertemuan penggemar Golden Retriever di rumah leluhur Guisachan House. 

English Language

The Golden Retriever is a medium-sized breed of dog. They were historically developed as gundogs to retrieve shot waterfowl such as ducks and upland game birds during hunting and shooting parties. As such, they were bred to have a soft mouth to retrieve game undamaged and have an instinctive love of water. The golden retriever has a dense inner coat that provides it with adequate warmth. The outer coat is sleek and water repellent, and lies flat against the body. The official colour of the breed is the varying shades of gold that are most often seen.
The breed's intelligence and versatility suit the dogs well for a variety of roles including guide dog for the blind, hearing dog for deaf people, hunting dog, illegal drug detector, and search and rescue participant. Because of their loyal and gentle temperament, golden retrievers are also popular family pets.
Golden Retrievers possess a friendly, eager-to-please demeanour, and are the fifth most popular family dog breed (by registration) in the United States, the fifth most popular in Australia, and the eighth most popular in the United Kingdom.

Golden Retrievers were bred to retrieve
The Golden Retriever was first developed in Scotland at "Guisachan" near Glen Affric, the highland estate of Sir Dudley Marjoribanks later Baron Tweedmouth. For many years, there was controversy over which breeds were originally crossed. In 1952, the publication of Marjoribanks' breeding records from 1835 to 1890 dispelled the myth concerning the purchase of a whole troupe of Russian sheepdogs from a visiting circus.

Improvements in guns during the 1800s resulted in more fowl being downed during hunts at greater distances and over increasingly difficult terrain. This led to more birds being lost in the field. Because of this improvement in firearms, a need for a specialist retriever arose as training setter and pointer breeds in retrieval was found to be ineffective. Thus work began on the breeding of the dog to fill this much needed role.
The original cross was of a yellow-coloured Retriever, Nous, with a Tweed Water Spaniel female dog, Belle. The Tweed Water Spaniel is now extinct but was then common in the border country. Marjoribanks had purchased Nous in 1865 from an unregistered litter of otherwise black wavy-coated retriever pups. In 1868, this cross produced a litter that included four pups; these four became the basis of a breeding program which included the Irish Setter, the sandy-coloured Bloodhound, the St. John's Water Dog of Newfoundland, and two more wavy-coated black Retrievers. The bloodline was also inbred and selected for trueness to Marjoribanks' idea of the ultimate hunting dog. His vision included a more vigorous and powerful dog than previous retrievers, one that would still be gentle and trainable. Russian sheepdogs are not mentioned in these records, nor are any other working dog breeds. The ancestry of the Golden Retriever is all sporting dogs, in line with Marjoribanks' goals.
Golden Retrievers were first accepted for registration by The Kennel Club of England in 1903, as Flat Coats – Golden. They were first exhibited in 1908, and in 1911 were recognised as a breed described as Retriever (Golden and Yellow). In 1913, the Golden Retriever Club was founded. The breed name was officially changed to Golden Retriever in 1920.
The Honourable Archie Marjoribanks took a Golden Retriever to Canada in 1881, and registered Lady with the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1894. These are the first records of the breed in these two countries. The breed was first registered in Canada in 1927, and the Golden Retriever Club of Ontario, now the Golden Retriever Club of Canada, was formed in 1958. The co-founders of the GRCC were Cliff Drysdale, an Englishman who had brought over an English Golden and Jutta Baker, daughter in law of Louis Baker who owned Northland Kennels, possibly Canada's first kennel dedicated to Goldens. The AKC recognised the breed in 1925, and in 1938 the Golden Retriever Club of America was formed.
There are also organisations other than clubs dedicated to golden retrievers, such as breed specific adoption sites.
In July 2006, The Golden Retriever Club of Scotland organised a gathering of Golden Retriever enthusiasts at the ancestral home of Guisachan House. A photograph was taken by photographer Lynn Kipps to commemorate the occasion. It captures 188 Golden Retrievers and therefore holds the record for most Golden Retrievers captured in one image.